The buzz on SkillSet Enterprises...
"Working with Jeff has been a game changer for our company! His advice has led to vast improvements in the content of our websites, the accounting of our business finances and the overall professionalism of our company.
He is an outstanding person with an uncanny ability to discern what is working and what is not for a business and the executive team. It is truly a privilege to work with Jeff and we consider ourselves fortunate to consult with him." - Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC, CEO
He is an outstanding person with an uncanny ability to discern what is working and what is not for a business and the executive team. It is truly a privilege to work with Jeff and we consider ourselves fortunate to consult with him." - Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC, CEO
- Caroline Galloway, Founder, M2M PR & Partnerships
“Working with Jeff has been the most beneficial experience of my professional career. Jeff has provided sales training and strategic branding for our corporation, conferences and my personal brand that has been invaluable...Working with Jeff was instrumental in assisting the conference team in setting new sales and attendance records, then breaking those records! Any organization would benefit tremendously from working with Jeff.”
- Jordan Young, Foundations Recovery Network, Conference Sales Manager
- Jordan Young, Foundations Recovery Network, Conference Sales Manager